12-step: www.austinaa.org
- American Psychological Association www.helping.apa.org
- Addiction: www.netaddiction.com
- Authentic Happiness: www.authentichappiness.edu
- Child Abuse Hotline: www.childhelp.org
- Depression and Medication for Children and Adolescents: www.parentsmedguide.org
- Drug Abuse Info: http://www.drugabuse.gov
- LGBTQ Resources: www.now.org
- Living with someone who is depressed: www.depressionfallout.com/topics.php
- National Association of School Psychologist: www.nasponline.org
- National Institute of Mental Health: www.nimh.nih.gov
- Nonviolent Communication: www.cnvc.org
- Parents of GLBT Persons: www.pflag.org
- Psychology Today: www.psychologytoday.com
- Research on Successful Marriage: www.gottman.com
- Thoughts and Actions Change Our Brains: www.npr.org
- Women for Sobriety: www.womenforsobriety.org
- Quit Alcohol: http://www.quitalcohol.com/dangers-of-drinking-and-driving.html